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Wise As Affiliate

Love Willow? Become our affiliate and get rewarded for spreading seeds of wisdom

Earn some spare cash for yourself

or raise funds for your charity, club, association or any other community enterprise

Educators: Text

How it works

We are looking for authentic advocates for Willow the Wonderer.

Help your family, friends and network discover a special new gift for their little ones and score a great deal whilst earning cash reward for your effort.

1.Sign Up

Have you fallen in love with Willow the Wonderer? Would you feel good about helping your community discover a great gift for their little ones and get it at a discount? Then this program is for you! Join now to become a wise as affiliate.

2. Share

You will receive a personalised referral link and 10% discount coupon code to share with your friends, family and network. You can share this in whatever way you are comfortable e.g. social media, newsletter, over lunch, etc. You will be able to track your referrals, orders and commissions online.

3. Earn

Every time someone uses your link and/or coupon to place an order, you will earn 10% of sale as commission, which will be paid out in 30 days. Use this to earn extra cash, raise funds for a worthy cause or your local club, association, charity or any other community group. 

Why pay for advocacy?

All businesses have to spend on marketing to get the word out - there are no two ways about it. Where we do have a choice is deciding how, where and with whom we spend our marketing dollars.


For our part, we'd rather see the value we are creating through our stories go back to the very people who are supporting us - our customers and their friends, family and local communities.

Educators: News

Get Creative!

we are prepared to give 20% away

You may not personally need the extra cash or have friends who need the discount, but it's possible that you know a charity, club, association, child care centre, library, or other community enterprise that needs funds.


Talk to us about other ways we can work together to spread seeds of wisdom whilst raising funds for a worthy cause.

Help Spread
Seeds of Wisdom & Earn Cash Reward

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Anne Frank
Educators: Quote
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© 2021 by R Dhar & M.D Pryce

ABN 31 592 216 884

Coogee, NSW Australia

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